In my early years of programming I would build things all the time (for fun). Just random projects I’m curious about, which didn’t necessarily solve any specific problems. I learned a ton doing that. I’ve been wanting to get back to my roots and build something new for myself. It starts with the creation of this new site Curious One. A place where I can share about various topics (mostly development related) that come up in my life, in the simplest way possible, along with some tutorials and other things including my weekend hobby projects. Hope you enjoy it!

Why I choose to blog!

Enlightened Reflections

One of the things that wasn’t clear to me before starting a blog was how much it would help me understand my thoughts and feelings. There is nothing better than writing about something that has been stewing around in my head for days or weeks.

Writing about a subject helps because writing is hard. Harder than you probably expect. Writing requires a strong understanding of the subject at hand, which forces critical thinking and questioning. For objective topics like programming this helps to increase understanding of the facts and data, while writing about personal experiences helps to understand thoughts and feelings.

Making the World Better, One Solution at a Time

Another motivation behind starting this blogsite is to offer assistance to fellow curious folks. I find great fulfillment in acquiring new knowledge and feel compelled to share it with others. After spending hours on a solution to a hard problem it feels good to write a blog post detailing what went wrong, and how I solved it. I do this with hope that someone with the same problem will find my post and save themselves a lot of time and frustration.

Why the name Curious One

Honestly, I’ve been called the Curious One since my school days because of my love for asking questions and seeking out knowledge about almost everything around me. Even in college, I was always on the move, attending conferences, workshops, and hackathons. That’s why my friends there dubbed me the Curious Traveler. I have a natural urge to explore and discover new things and question the status quo.

Site’s Tech Stack Overview

This is a simple static site built using goHugo with the custom refined PaperModAlpha theme, hosted on github pages. Nothing fancy.